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  • #86074

    Hello, everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. I’m currently in the process of obtaining a roadworthy certificate for my car, and I was wondering if any of you have had any experience with BallaratRoadworthy.com.


    Certainly! I have personal experience with utilizing their services in the past, and I can vouch for the smooth and efficient process they offer. When you engage their services, they provide you with a comprehensive list of authorized inspection stations. This list allows you the flexibility to select the inspection station that aligns best with your location and schedule preferences. I’m used New car servicing Ballarat.


    I’ve also used them recently. Got my roadworthy certificate without any issues. The website is pretty user-friendly, and they provide clear information about what they check during the inspection. Just make sure your car is in decent condition to pass.

    Humzaa Raveena

    Just joined this community hope I will get more as expected from you guys.

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