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  • in reply to: Hello There :D #721
    Norbert Gombos

    Hi Sunny,

    Nice to meet you. I plan to travel around and do some work over summer, pretty much same same but different. How has your hunt for work been going?



    in reply to: Bad Working Experiences #723

    G’day Everyone,

    Thought I’d get the ball rolling here, Katie had a bit of a nightmare during her time at Rochester. Our friends at Fruitpickingjobs.com.au have been kind enough to share Katie’s fruit picking story

    Read it and leave your thoughts here!



    in reply to: Looking For a Job Over Summer / and even a picking buddy? #725

    G’day Norb,

    Great idea getting active in the forum, definitely a great way to find other people on the same working holiday path as you.

    I recommend checking the Job Board where all Jobs are hosted onsite. You can also check out the Fruit Picking and Harvest Jobs section as well.

    Best of Luck Norb,

    Hope it all goes well.



    in reply to: Good Working Experiences #726

    Hi Guys,

    Thought I’d get the ball rolling in the good picking stories as well πŸ™‚

    Once again the guys at http://www.fruitpickingjobs.com.au have been kind enough to share Gillian’s story. Give it a read, it will give you a good insight into a good fruit picking experience.



    in reply to: Where to do your Tax Refund? #729
    Norbert Gombos

    Perfect, I will keep this in mind when I’m doing my Tax Refund πŸ˜€

    in reply to: The new website looks great! #730
    Norbert Gombos

    I must say this website is much better then your old site. Great work, such an improvement and very nice to use on ipad πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Suggestions and Requests #732
    Lizza Larsson

    I just found a problem with the site. When I use the search function on the homepage the results get all messed up. The banner and search bar overlap the actual search results.

    I am using a iPad 2.

    in reply to: Problem with search results page when browsing on iPad #733

    You’re right Lizza!

    Apparently there is some width issues their that I missed. All forms of tablets
    & phones with the size of an ipad and under should be effected. I will have this fixed before the weekend is over.

    It’s topics like this that helps us create a better experience for the people using the site.

    Thanks for helping us Lizza!

    If you find something more, give me a shout! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Hello There :D #734

    Hi Sunny,

    Welcome to our community and enjoy your stay!

    Did you find the farm job here at WorkingHolidayJobs.com.au?

    in reply to: Travel Chat #735
    Ronny Walker

    Me and my girlfriend is heading over to Indonesia in a couple of months. We whould like to know what destination is your favorite and why!

    We rather meet cool people than live in fancy hotels and areas.

    in reply to: Problem with search results page when browsing on iPad #752

    I have fixed the bug and search result are now working across all platforms and devices.

    If you still have issues, make sure to empty your browser cache and everything should be working just fine.

    Thanks again Lizza for pointing this out!

    in reply to: Tax Refunds #740
    Alex Smith

    In Australia on a one year working holiday visa are considered a “Non-Resident” FOR TAX PURPOSES?

    in reply to: Non-Resident or Resident #741

    Hi Alex,

    Which Visa are you on? If you’re in the country more then 183 of the financial year then you’re considered a resident for tax purposes ( Obviously visa dependant, but I assume you’re on the WHV?)

    So if you arrived on Nov 1st 2012, then you’d be a resident πŸ˜€

    Hope that helps mate.



    in reply to: Looking For a Job Over Summer / and even a picking buddy? #742
    Marije ten Hagen

    I’m also thinking about doing fruit picking during summertime to get a second year visa.. From dec/jan until march/april…
    Might be nice to share info and who knows maybe work somewhere together..
    Marije ten Hagen
    On facebook: marije552

    in reply to: Buy and Sell #743

    Hello all, i’m selling my Ford Falcon station Wagon! The car looks great: wheels are new and i’ve recently changed muffler and audio system. 2 tends and more items for backpackers are included in the price of the car. Please click on the ad below for more details or contact me if interested. Cheers!

    ** The Car has now been sold**

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